Behind the Mask - The dark night of the Soul

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Behind The Mask

Through the course of my time with Kosmic Fusion Sree Maa Shri Ji played many roles.

In 2016 everyone was asked to reveal who they were and during this phase the need to be authentic and be in utmost integrity was very important so that we could all experience transformation at a higher level.

One of the exercises that i did together with Sree Maa was called voice dialogue which helped to bring forward the disowned parts of the self or ego. Sree Maa lovingly supported me out of utmost Compassion to guide me through an exercise.

During these exercises Sree Maa and i were in dialogue to assist me to transform the Narcissistic parts of the personality that were blocking the True Self from blossoming. It was always about Transformation and Awakening.

For the Soul to take the front seat it was paramount that the ego self was explored and quietened. Sree Maa was able to help me to breakthrough the shades of Narcissism that i was hiding.

I will forever be Grateful to Sree Maa for helping me to break out of the mental prison that had tormented me for many years, many aspects of my self deprecation came to light. The deep inner wounding could finally be healed.

I hope by sharing my experience it can also help others who are struggling with their own issues.

Below is a great article that i found on which explains this in more detail.

Rohan Jain
Rohan Jain, Top Writer 2018, 2017

We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.
-André Berthiaume

All of us wear a mask, and our masks change based on the situation or the person we are interacting with. We behave differently with our friends, relatives or with strangers.

The reasons for wearing masks vary based on the circumstances, but there are still some common reasons why we tend to hide behind masks:

  • Hiding our weaknesses: Many of us wear masks to hide our weaknesses. We behave in a way that does not expose our weakness to the world. We wear masks to hide our pain, as we do not want the world to know how vulnerable we are from the inside.
  • Selectively exposing our strengths: Different situations require different skills and strengths. Sometimes, we need to portray our strengths in a different light based on the situation. There might be cases when we need to expose some of our strengths, while hiding the other strengths.

Wearing a mask is not necessarily negative. People can use masks to bring out the best side of themselves based on the situation.

The issue, however, arises when people become so used to wearing masks that they start forgetting their true selves. When they start losing their original identity, and the mask becomes their new identity.


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